
JAMMU:  Advisor to Governor, Khurshid Ahmed Ganai,today convened public outreach programme at Jammu in which more than 200 peopleincluding 21 delegations apprised him of the problems being faced by them.

The delegations hailing fromvarious districts including Jammu, Kathua, Rajouri, Poonch, Reasi, Doda, Sambaand Udhampur called on the Advisor and informed him about their demands relatedto road connectivity, water supply, power supply, tourism, healthcare andsanitation, relief compensation and many others.

A delegation of Chenab TextileMills requested the Advisor to implement Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojna(PMRPY) in the state. Advisor assured them to take up the matter with theconcerned authorities for appropriate course of action.

A delegation of Dogra SadarSabha let by its chairman and former legislator Gulchain Singh Charak apprisedthe Advisor about various issues related to road connectivity, shortage ofwater, curtailment of power in tehsil Majalta. He also raised the issues relatedto Mubarak Mandi Heritage Complex and shifting of Dogra Art Museum.

Similarly, a delegation ofJ&K College Academics Arrangement Lecturers Association demanded theextension of their contracts.

Delegations from differentareas of Poonch District raised various demands regarding up-gradation ofinfrastructures like electricity, drinking water and roads. A delegation fromVillage Dhanu demanded construction of water tank with the capacity of 15000gallons.

A delegation of projectemployees in the Jammu University demanded regularization of their services.

Several other deputationsincluding Muslim Federation Samba, Sampark Global Logistics Pvt Ltd. All RMSASubject Specify Teachers J&K and many others met the Advisor and raisedtheir issues and demands for early redressal.

The Advisor gave a patienthearing to the deputations and assured them that their genuine demands will belooked into. He passed on-spot directions for redressal of various grievancesand directed the officers to maintain close liaison with the local populationsso that their grievances are redressed at the earliest.

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